We are Guttomat - unique & electric garage doors

Elektrische Garagentore von Guttomat

Our Production:
Hightech meets Craftsmanship

In our manufacturing facility, our experienced production personnel are supported by state-of-the-art production technology. So that our electric garage doors remain fully competitive in the future, too, we set our focus on the areas of research and development. We invest a great deal in these fields and work in a development environment that is also used in the automotive industry, in racing car construction and in the aerospace industry. Witnesses to our innovative work with the quality seal "Made in Austria" are our numerous awards, included amongst them the Innovation Prize of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Elektrische Garagentore von Guttomat

Our Garage Door - Production:
Electric Garage Doors: Drive & Manpower

Guttomat offers you overhead sectional doors and sliding sectional doors, tilt-doors and industrial doors as well as electric garage doors in innumerable colours as well as metal structures and wood grains. In the process, high-quality materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, glass or wood are used. In addition to the latest technology with long-life motors, fingerprint scanners, remote controls, etc. we offer you individual custom-made products: Doors with separate doorways, with light transmission, with special milling, special motifs and much more – we have the right solution for every need.

Elektrische Garagentore von Guttomat

People ar the Focus:

Our empoyees form the heart of Guttomat – because it is the personalities and skills of our employees from which our exceptional products emerge. But our responsibility for the people in our operating environment also includes our customers and partners with whom we maintain a very personal relationship that extends beyond the conventional business relationship. At this point we would like to thank all of you for the outstanding cooperation over the years.

Elektrische Garagentore von Guttomat

Our electric garage doors:
As individual as you!

The name of Guttomat stands for high-quality garage doors made in Austria that are unparalleled in matters of technology, design and quality. We are a long-established Austrian company that is always searching for that something extra special. Therefore, we work unconventionally and far above the average and, with many years of experience and high innovative capacity, have established Europe’s greatest variety of individual garage doors.

Our passion for exceptional doors is packed into each of our products. Handcrafted by our highly qualified employees and supported by the latest technology, our doors guarantee the highest levels of design, flexibility and functionality. And we never tire of constantly developing new and re-engineering and improving existing products. In the process, substantial investment in technology and personnel establishes a solid foundation that keeps the door to the future wide open for us. Be there when we write the next chapter of an impressive success story.
